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This insurance is recommended for trips from €2500 to €5000 per person.

Conditions of employment

Insurance can be taken out at any time during your trip, including during it. However, to guarantee "early cancellation or trip interruption" coverage, you must purchase insurance within 96 hours of purchasing the 2nd service (e.g. after purchasing the flight you have 96 hours to purchase accommodation or vice versa) . However, we recommend that you take out travel insurance after purchasing your first service. If booked after 96 hours, you will lose the right to early cancellation. All other coverage will be active, including trip interruption.

Travel Gold Plus

PriceFrom €90.00
  • Reimbursement is guaranteed, up to the limit set in the Insurance Certificate, of irrecoverable expenses for services purchased from the travel agency with which this contract is signed, in the event of early cancellation or interruption of the trip, occurring for reasons of force majeure. The Insured Person and the Insured are obliged to take the necessary measures to recover, in whole or in part, the amounts already paid, with the Insurer being responsible for reimbursement to the extent that those expenses are irrecoverable from the respective travel agency. For this purpose, force majeure grounds for cancellation are understood to be:

    a) The death of the Insured Person, their spouse or person living with them in a situation equivalent to that of a spouse, as well as their ascendants and descendants up to the 1st degree, stepchildren, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, brothers, brothers-in-law, in-laws, grandparents and grandchildren;

    B) Sudden and unpredictable medical occurrence or serious accident, resulting in hospitalization of more than 24 hours, confirmed jointly by the attending physician and the Insurer's medical team, and of which the Insured Person, the spouse or a person who lives with him in a situation equivalent to that of a spouse, as well as his ancestors and descendants up to the 1st degree, stepchildren, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, brothers, brothers-in-law, in-laws, grandparents and grandchildren;

    w) Serious accident resulting in the Insured Person's inability to move, clinically proven, at the start date of the trip;

    d) Sudden illness of a child aged 12 years or less that prevents the trip from being carried out and the need for the urgent and imperative presence of the Insured Person, based on clinically proven facts;

    It is) The destruction of the Insured Person's permanent home, or their place of work if they are self-employed, their spouse or a Person who lives with them in a situation equivalent to that of a spouse, provided that proof of the occurrence is provided and the accident occurs in the 30 days before the scheduled departure date (damage greater than 50% of the property); For this purpose, subparagraphs a), b), d) and e) referred to above are considered as grounds for force majeure for trip interruption.


    f) Involuntary unemployment of the Insured Person, spouse or person living with them in a situation similar to that of a spouse, provided that this occurs within 30 days prior to the scheduled date of departure. In no case will the end of the employment contract, dismissal with just cause, voluntary resignation or the end of a trial period be covered;

    g) Imposition of mandatory quarantine on the Insured Person;

    H) The declaration of a catastrophe zone applied to the Insured Person’s place of residence;

    i) The call as a member of an electoral board that requires attendance on a day that coincides with the period of the trip, as long as this call took place on a date subsequent to the insurance subscription;

    j) Reception of a child for adoption that prevents the beginning/continuation of the trip or that coincides with the scheduled date of the trip, as long as it is notified after taking out the insurance;

    k) Geographical movement of the job, whenever it involves a change of municipality of the Insured Person's domicile, during the scheduled date of the trip and if the person is an employee. The relocation must have been notified to the Insured Person on a date after taking out the insurance;

    l) Urgent request for incorporation into the armed forces, police or fire departments, civil protection, doctor, nurse or epidemic pathology analyst, which prevents the trip from being carried out and which is not declared at a later date after insurance subscription

    m) The conclusion of a new employment contract, in a different company and provided that the duration exceeds one year and provided that such contract is concluded after the date of subscription of the insurance;

    n) Medical contraindication to travel due to complications occurring only during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, when the same was known after the insurance was taken out;

    O) Pregnancy unknown at the date of contracting the Trip and subscribing to the insurance and whose pregnancy is more than 6 months after the end date of the trip;

    p) Medical contraindication for the use of the initially planned means of transport, when the pathology that causes it is unknown at the time of contracting the trip and the Insurance;

    q) A surgical intervention for the Insured Person for which there was no expected date of completion at the time of purchase or on the date of subscription of the travel insurance or consequences of a previous surgical intervention that make it inadvisable, according to medical criteria, to depart or continue the trip;

    r) The cancellation of the Insured Person's wedding ceremony, as long as it was scheduled on a date prior to the purchase of the trip and the insurance subscription, whenever documented by the competent official entity, with express indication in the document of the dates of booking and cancellation;

    s) Serious car accident resulting in serious bodily harm to third parties caused by the Insured Person, as long as it makes it impossible to start the trip and the accident occurs within 48 hours prior to the start date of the trip;

    t) Theft of a vehicle owned by the Insured Person, as long as it occurred within 48 hours prior to the start date of the trip and duly proven by police participation, as long as this constitutes the means of transport planned for the entire trip;

    u) The cancellation of a trip by the Insured Person's companions, up to 4 people insured for a maximum of €10,000, due to the latter having canceled their own trip in advance for one of the reasons described in this guarantee;

    v) Change in the vacation period imposed unilaterally by the company, communicated to the Insured Person on a date after the insurance subscription and which coincides with the period of the trip. The Insured Person must attach a document proving their company that justifies such change. Cases in which the Insured Person is the owner, co-owner or partner of the company or maintain family ties with them are excluded, with the exception of situations in which the Insured Person is a managing partner: 
    • of a Micro Company (<10 permanent employees) and one of the employees is prevented from performing his/her duties for reasons of force majeure as such considered in paragraphs a), b), c), d) or e) only for situations that occurred to oneself or to a family member in the first degree;
    • of a Small Company (between 10 and 50 permanent employees) and one of the employees in the immediately lower hierarchical level is prevented from performing their functions for reasons of force majeure as such considered those present in subparagraphs a), b), c), d) or e) only for situations that occurred to the person or to a first-degree family member;

    w) Notification from the Ministry of Finance that requires the Insured Person's personal presence on a day that coincides with the period of the trip, provided that the notification occurs on a date after the insurance subscription;

    In case of interruption of the Trip, the payment of expenses paid in proportion to the period of time not used is guaranteed.

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